Four Erasmus Plus schools from France, Spain, Finland and Germany started the project „Sustainable Living and Travelling in the EU” in September 2019 to tackle European topics including sustainable lifestyle and school, mainly focusing on a personal commitment to forms of tourism that maximise rather than detract from sustainable human development and environmental quality. What are our results of the first term of the bi-annual project period?
We started our Europe Erasmus Club BVA with a trip so that we could all get to know each other better. Our first destination within the project was Strasbourg: as one of the most important cities in Europe and home of one of Europeans Parliaments we were able to take a closer look how political decisions are made in Europe.
Within the first 4 month we started to get to know each other as part of the weekly Erasmus club meetings, created the basic knowledge about the term sustainability and ways to reduce environmental harm: We made posters about sustainability and our club, invented a digital rally about our project well as Europe and Sustainability games that we presented on the Open-Door Days of our school.
Of course, we also took part in the Erasmus Days 2019 by offering a Europe break for the students at our school in cooperation with the Europe Project Q1 Course.
Furthermore, we focused on using digital means as innovating English-learning methods through getting to know eTwinning as communication platform and shooting a video about the facilities of our school in English so that our partner schools could see Bettina-von-Arnim-Gymnasium. This video will be used in English classes in Year 5, too.
Another central feature was our participation on the World Clean-Up Day to demonstrate that we are willing to actively promote climate protection as well as contributing to the European Day of Foreign Languages on 26th September 2019.
We are looking forward to face more activities that are promoting sustainability and Europe in the next three terms!
Your Europe-Erasmus Club BVA Dormagen Germany